India, Mozambique goat value chain project starts

This week, partners in the ‘imGoats’ project meet in India to finalize plans and outcomes for the project.

The project – official title ‘Small ruminant value chains to reduce poverty and increase food security in India and Mozambique’ – is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and is implemented by the International Livestock Research Institute with CARE (Mozambique) and The BAIF Development Research Foundation (India).

The project aims to transform goat production and marketing in dryland India and Mozambique from an ad hoc, risky informal activity to a sound and profitable enterprise and model that taps into a growing market.

Download the project brochure

9 thoughts on “India, Mozambique goat value chain project starts

  1. This seems to be a very interesting project from the point of view that is being implementing in a joint collaboration by a NGO, national and international research institutes!!! Although I know a bit about it I am anxious to see the outcomes, how do they compare with what was expected and compare them with what we got in Angonia with our Goat project!!!

    • Hi Sonia, I am based in Barue District and we are also working on a goat project. Busy installing an abattoir and goat imporovement project. Any chance of getting in contact with you? My contact +258 82 300 3004

    • Dear Sonia,

      Thank you for your interest. I am coordinating this project in India. In this, the different value chain actors come together to chalk out the issues and prepare action plans. It is a an evolving and process oriented approach. As such we still need to consolidate the process and outcomes are still little away. We are applying a dynamic approach called outcome mapping to monitor our progress and the approach gives us flexibility to revise our strategies and outputs as we progress.
      Please let us know if you need any further information on our work.

  2. Hi,
    Sonia, we are also working in goat development in southern rajasthan with help of NABARD (National Bank of Agriculture &Deveopment).
    Aimof our project is breed improvement in this area through cross breeding with sirohi breeds.
    [lease shre the progress of your program with me.
    Mob:+91 9571487617

    • Dear Dr.Soni,

      I am coordinating a goat development project in India and based in Udaipur in southern Rajasthan. I am interested to know the districts in which you are focusing on.
      Breed inprovement is one element in our project along with other elements of goat husbandry including marketing.
      It would definitely be interesting to know your work. Thank you.

  3. I am a goat farmer in Alto Molocue district of Zambezia Province in Mozambique. I will be interested in improving my breed. Looking for advice.


  4. This seems like what I have been looking for. I would love to get some more information/publications on goat meat value chain if you don’t mind.


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