Help us refine the CGIAR’s livestock and fish research proposal

In September 2010, four CGIAR Centers – CIAT, ICARDA, ILRI and WorldFish – formally submitted a proposal on ‘livestock and fish’ to the CGIAR Consortium Board (CB).

We just received feedback and guidance on the proposal. Overall, the Consortium Board “appreciates the innovations in this proposal, and its overall quality. The Board considers that, with a few additional improvements, the proposal will be ready to be submitted to the Fund Council.”

The Board and the reviewers also raise some important questions about our proposal: We need your help to respond to some of the critical questions raised by the reviewers:

Question 1: Can we really expect livestock and fish production ‘by the poor’ to contribute meaningfully to nutrition ‘for the poor’?

Question 2: How best to partner with the private sector in pro-poor livestock and fish value chain development?

One thought on “Help us refine the CGIAR’s livestock and fish research proposal

  1. I wish to invite the CGIAR Livestock and fish research proposal peopel to give a lecture in our forthcoming conference On Aqauculture Development in East &Southren Africa which will take place in July 7-9 Nairobi at the Safari Park Hotel.
    More details to follow
    pls let me know whom shall i approch top discuss lecturers’ details.

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