Catalogue of high-quality photofilms that highlight connection between people and livestock now online

ILRI photofilms available on the web

A screenshot of a film from the catalogue of ILRI photofilms that are available online (photo credit: ILRI).

An updated catalogue of high-quality photofilms that tell livestock-for-development stories from the field is now available for downloading.

The new catalogue lists 14 films produced by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), starting in 2010, to capture event highlights and tell stories about people who depend on livestock for their livelihoods, food, income and cropping.

Featuring the use of (mostly still) photographs and audio recordings that have been combined into short films of a few minutes in length, the photofilms in the catalogue tell about the impact of livestock on the livelihoods of people across the world.

The collection includes a film on the experiences of a women’s group in Kenya whose cultural project is raising incomes to complement their livestock-based earnings, stories of Ethiopian farmers who benefited from a project that improved the productivity of their livestock and skilled them to participate in markets and a tribute to the millions of ‘unsung heroes of small-scale food production’– farmers of both crops and livestock – who hold the key to feeding the world in coming years.

The catalogue also contains a film highlighting a modern laboratory facility at ILRI where African researchers are using the latest tools and technologies to find solutions for Africa’s most pressing agricultural problems.

Download the catalogue:

Watch ILRI photofilms:





1 thought on “Catalogue of high-quality photofilms that highlight connection between people and livestock now online

  1. See a description of ILRI’s photofilm catalogue written in in French by Genevieve Renard and published in the French edition of New Agriculturist in May 2012:

    A l’écoute d’histoires pour mieux connecter recherche et communautés rurales

    Les photofilms racontent les histoires de communautés dépendantes de l’élevage pour leur subsistance

    Mener des projets de recherche et être à l’écoute des communautés permet souvent d’entendre des histoires que l’on souhaiterait garder et partager. Depuis 2010, l’Institut International de recherche sur l’élevage (ILRI) réalise des ‘photofilms’ pour capturer des faits importants ou des événements, et raconter les histoires de personnes ou de communautés dépendantes de l’élevage pour leur subsistance, leurs revenus et l’agriculture.

    « Ces photofilms, qui associent photographies et enregistrements audio, ne durent que quelques minutes mais sont un moyen efficace de présenter les voix et les images des communautés locales et leur réalité », explique Paul Karaimu, spécialiste en communication à l’ILRI. « Nous les utilisons pour saisir le côté humain des projets et pour montrer comment la recherche est connectée avec la vie de tous les jours de ces communautés ». . . .

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